GWP Ranchi | College Details | Facilities | Seats | Branches | Admission | 2021 | Informative

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GWP Ranchi is a Government diploma college located in the district of Ranchi, Jharkhand state of India. This polytechnic college is located at Government Women’s Polytechnic, Tharpakhna, Ranchi. This is not a women’s diploma institute.

Goverment Women’s Polytechnic Institute is one of the best Institute in the Jharkhand. It has its clear aim and has been delivering quality education, all round development of the students,and enhancing their employment potential with special attention to the SC & ST students.

Government Women’s Polytechnic, Ranchi is situated in Tharpakhna area of the newly made state of Jharkhand.It is centrally located area of the main city of Ranchi. This Institution was started in 1974 as the first Women’s Polytechnic of undivided Bihar State and is now the premiere Polytechnic of Jharkhand State.The campus of this Institution is 10(ten) acres.

This Institution provides the necessary facilities required for the students like different laboratories, furniture, equipment, library, etc. In the beginning, the Institution was opened only with two branches of 3-year Diploma Studies; Electronics and Communication Engineering, and Secretarial Practice and Stenography. But at present it provides 3-year diploma courses in 3 branches; Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science Engineering & Electrical Engineering.

Science its inception the Institution has trained many women candidates and many of them are now employed in State Government, Central Government, Private & Public Sectors such as Radio stations, TV Centers, Telephone Exchange, A.A.I, P&T, Tisco, Railways, C.C.L., Electricity Deptts., B.S.N.L., etc. The following 3-year courses are offered by the Institution with the approval of all India council of Technical There are 2 hostels of the Institution having 200 seats in each located adjacent to the Institution building.


Courses Available in Government Women Polytechnic Ranchi, Colleges Rank in the top 10 Government Polytechnics Colleges of Jharkhand

Branch AvailableGet Syllabus
Electrical EngineeringClick Here
Computer EngineeringClick Here
Electrical and Communication EngineeringClick Here

Fee Structure

General2400 INR Per Annum
OBC2400 INR Per Annum
SC600 INR Per Annum
ST600 INR Per Annum

College Facility

  • Hostel Available
  • Library is Available
  • Computer Lab
  • Workshop
  • Engineering Drawing Classroom

In Government Women Polytechnic Ranchi, there is Good faculty for each branch and each semester of the Diploma Course, You can visit the lab, a workshop for different Project work to complete, the Environment around the college is Quite Eco-Friendly

Seats Available in GWP Ranchi

Branch AvailableSeats Available
Electrical Engineering60
Computer Engineering60
Electrical and Communication Engineering60

Courses Offered in GWP Ranchi

Government Women’s Polytechnic college offers a diploma in Computer Science and Engineering. This course falls under the Engineering and Technology program. This course is affiliated with the State Board of Technical Education, Jharkhand. This course is offered in the 1st shift and is a Full-Time diploma course. The maximum allowed student intake for Computer Science and Engineering diploma course is 60 for the academic year 2017-2018.

This college offers a diploma in Electrical Engineering. This course falls under the Engineering and Technology program. This course is affiliated with the State Board of Technical Education, Jharkhand. This course is offered in 1st shift and is a Full-Time diploma course. The maximum allowed student intake for the Electrical Engineering diploma course is 60 for the academic year 2017-2018.

This college offers a diploma in Electronics and Communication Engg. This course falls under the Engineering and Technology program. This course is affiliated with the State Board of Technical Education, Jharkhand. This course is offered in 1st shift and is a Full-Time diploma course. The maximum allowed student intake for Electronics and Communication Engg diploma course is 60 for the academic year 2017-2018.

How to Get Admission in GWP Ranchi

To Get Admission to Government Women Polytechnic Ranchi College You would have to Qualify and Rank under 1000 CML So that you can get allotted into GWP Ranchi, Every Year Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board


Government Women’s Polytechnic Ranchi,

P.O.:- Tharpakhna, Dist.:-Ranchi,

State:- Jharkhand – 834001

Contact Information

Contact Number+91651-2212123

Email –

Official Website of GWP Ranchi

Government Women Polytechnic Ranchi on Google Map

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Manish Mahato
Manish Mahato

Blogger, YouTube & Content Writer by Passion & Engineer by Profession. I have built this Blog Website in 2020 while I was doing Diploma in Engineering to help other students with their Academic Problems.

Articles: 188

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