5th Semester Syllabus Jharkhand Polytechnic, JUT Ranchi

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Jharkhand Polytechnic 5th Semester Syllabus of All Branches (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, CSE, Mining etc.) for 3 Years Diploma in Jharkhand. The Jharkhand University of Technology (JUT) issues this syllabus. Students studying at Polytechnic Colleges of Jharkhand affiliated with JUT must follow this syllabus.

Inplant Training of 04 weeks duration to be undertaken after 4th-semester Exam and before the start of 5th-semester classes.

Jharkhand Polytechnic 5th Semester Syllabus

5th Semester Jharkhand Polytechnic Syllabus of Civil, Architecture, Automobile, Mechanical, Metallurgy, Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Food Technology and all other branches.

1Architecture EngineeringSyllabus
2Automobile EngineeringSyllabus
3Civil EngineeringSyllabus
4Computer Science EngineeringSyllabus
5Electrical & Electronics EngineeringSyllabus
6Electrical EngineeringSyllabus
7Electronics & Communication EngineeringSyllabus
8Food TechnologySyllabus
9Mechanical EngineeringSyllabus
10Mechanical Engineering AutomobileSyllabus
11Metallurgical EngineeringSyllabus
12Mining 3rd Year Syllabus
Jharkhand Polytechnic 5th Semester Syllabus

Jharkhand Polytechnic 5th Semester Notes

Hand Written Notes and Lecture Notes of the following Branches of Jharkhand Polytechnic 5th Semester are available. You can download them according to your branch and learn all your topics to prepare for your semester’s exams.

5th Semester NotesJharkhand Polytechnic Notes
Civil NotesClick Here
Electrical NotesClick Here
Mechanical NotesClick Here
Computer Science NotesClick Here
Metallurgical NotesClick Here
Notes for Jharkhand Polytechnic 5th Semester

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Jharkhand Polytechnic 5th Semester is part of the last year of Jharkhand Polytechnic. Final Marksheet of Diploma presents the result and marks of the last two semesters i.e 5th and 6th semester.

Students must score good marks to maintain a good average on the final mark sheet of a 3-year diploma in the Jharkhand Polytechnic.

For college placements, most companies prefer students to have a higher percentage in the semesters. They generally invite students to have at least 60% results in their previous semester if the company reached during last year.

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Manish Mahato
Manish Mahato

Blogger, YouTube & Content Writer by Passion & Engineer by Profession. I have built this Blog Website in 2020 while I was doing Diploma in Engineering to help other students with their Academic Problems.

Articles: 188

One comment

  1. Jharkhand diploma 5th semester ka food technology ka previous year question paper milega please

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