IEM 601 Question Bank (2021-14) PDF- 6th Sem Jharkhand Polytechnic

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Industrial Engineering & Management Question Bank for 6th Semester Diploma Students of Jharkhand. This Question Bank contains Previous Year Question form 2021- 14. We have grouped all the questions chapter-wise so that they will help you during your preparation.

After completion of three years of technical training, Polytechnic students are expected to enter
the World of Work. The business environment is altogether different and new to the
students. A proper introduction and understanding of Business Processes are therefore essential
for all Polytechnic students. Management is a subject that deals with the basics of Management
science required to understand the processes the in Industrial & Commercial environment. This
will enable the students of Polytechnic to become familiar with and understand various Business
Organizational structures, their functioning and the Role these technicians will have to play in
these setups with responsibilities.

Industrial Engineering is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated
systems of people, materials, equipment and energy. Polytechnic students must be able to
analyze the use and cost of the resources of the organization in order to achieve the objective, i.e.
to increase productivity, profits etc. and carry out the policies efficiently and effectively.

The objective of Reading Industrial Engineering & Management :

The students will be able to :

  1. Familiarize environment in the world of work.
  2. Explain the importance of the management process in Business.
  3. Identify various components of management.
  4. Describe Role & Responsibilities of a Technician in an Organizational Structure.
  5. Apply various rules and regulations concerned with the Business & Social responsibilities of
    the technician.

Question Bank

Download Industrial Engineering & Management 6th Semester Jharkhand Polytechnic Question Bank.

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Productivity : 

Production and productivity, the importance of productivity, factors affecting productivity, and means of increasing productivity. 

Plant Layout and Material Handling : 

Definition of plant layout, objectives of good plant layout, principles of plant layout, types of plant layout, flow pattern, steps in planning the layout for a new enterprise, definition of material handling, functions and principles of material handling, material handling devices.

Work-Study : 

Definition, concept and need for work-study, objectives of method study and work measurement, basic procedure/steps in method study, recording technique, critical examination, principles of motion economy, stopwatch procedure for collecting time study data, including performance rating and allowances, work sampling.

Production Planning and Control (PPC) : 

Definition and objectives of PPC, functions of PPC, routing, scheduling, loading, dispatching, production control definition and objectives, the principle of sound production control system. 

Material, Purchase and Stores Management : 

Definition, functions& objectives of materials management, inventory control, economic order quantity (EOQ), ABC analysis. Objectives of purchasing department, buying techniques, purchasing procedure (steps involved in one complete purchasing cycle); functions of stores department, location and layout of stores, receipt and issue of materials. 

Quality Control and TQM : 

Meaning of quality and quality control, dimensions of quality, quality circle, concept and definition of TQM, elements of TQM, Kaizen, 5 ‘S’ and six sigma.

Management : 

Various definitions, concepts of management, levels of management, administration and management, scientific management by F. W. Taylor. Principles of management (14 principles of Henry Fayol). Functions of management – planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, controlling, decision making.

Organizational Management : 

Organization – definition, steps in forming organization. Types of organization. Types of organization – line, line and staff, functions, project type. Departmentation- Organized and decentralized, authority and responsibility, span of control (management). Forms of ownership – proprietorship, partnership, joint-stock company, co-operative society, govt. sector. 

Human Resource Management : 

Personnel Management – Introduction, definition, function. Staffing – Introduction to HR, Introduction to HR Planning, Recruitment procedure. Personnel- Training & Development – Types of training, Induction, Skill enhancement. Leadership & Motivation – Leadership- Styles & types, Motivation- Definition, Intrinsic, &Extrinsic, Maslow’s theory of Motivation and its significance. Safety Management – Causes of accident, Safety Procedures. Introduction, Objectives & features of Industrial Legislation such as – The factory act, ESI act, Workman compensation act, Industrial dispute act and salary & wages.

Financial Management : 

Financial Management- Objectives & Functions. Capital Generation & ManagementTypes of capitals, Sources of finance. Budgets and accounts- Types of budgets, Production budget (including variance report), Labour budget, Introduction to Profit & Loss Accounts (Only concept), Balance sheet etc. 

Entrepreneurship : 

Concept and definition of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship, factors influencing entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial characteristics, need for promotion of entrepreneurship and small scale industries, steps in setting up a small scale industrial enterprise. 

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Manish Mahato
Manish Mahato

Blogger, YouTube & Content Writer by Passion & Engineer by Profession. I have built this Blog Website in 2020 while I was doing Diploma in Engineering to help other students with their Academic Problems.

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