Syllabus of Bihar Polytechnic Entrance 10th Level

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Syllabus of Bihar Polytechnic Entrance: Bihar Polytechnic 2022 Syllabus is announced by the Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECE). Bihar Polytechnic Entrance Exam also known as Diploma Certificate Entrance Competitive Examination (DCECE) is conducted by BCECE.

Buy Passing this Entrance Exam Students can get admission into various Polytechnic Colleges of Bihar.

After clearing this exam, candidates will get admission to PM (Para Medical), PMD (Para Medical Dental), PPE (Part-Time Polytechnic Engineering) and PE (Polytechnic Engineering) programmes. Here, we are providing detailed information related to the Syllabus of Bihar Polytechnic 10th Level.

Candidates must prepare according to the officially prescribed syllabus. The syllabus of Bihar Polytechnic is based on class 10th standard.  It is different for each course. It consists of subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, General Science, English, Hindi, Numerical Ability, and General Knowledge.

Bihar Polytechnic Exam Pattern
Bihar Polytechnic Syllabus (All Semester)
Best Books for Preparation
Question Bank for Entrance
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Syllabus of Physics: Syllabus of Bihar Polytechnic Entrance

Syllabus of Bihar Polytechnic Entrance for 10 Level is comprised of class 10th standard. It is different for each course. It consists of subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, General Science, English, Hindi, Numerical Ability, and General Knowledge. The syllabus of Hindi, English, General Knowledge, and General Science is coming soon, so keep visiting Polytechnic Walle

Bihar Polytechnic Syllabus 2021 PDF Download: Syllabus of Physics for Bihar Polytechnic Entrance Exam is mentioned below

  1. Units and Dimensions
  2. Scales & Measurements
  3. Scalars & Vectors
  4. Linear Motion
  5. Laws of Motion
  6. Motion under Gravity
  7. Projectile
  8. Friction
  9. Oscillations and Waves
  10. Circular Motion
  11. Simple Harmonic Motion
  12. Gravitation
  13. Rotational Motion and Moment of Inertia
  14. Fluids
  15. Heat
  16. Optics
  17. Electrostatics
  18. Current Electricity & Magnetism
  19. Modern Physics
  20. Physical World and Measurement
  21. Electronic Devices
  22. Communication Systems

Syllabus of Mathematics: Syllabus of Bihar Polytechnic Entrance

The syllabus of Mathematics for the Bihar Polytechnic Entrance Exam is mentioned below

  1. Algebra
  2. Sequence & Series
  3. Principle of Mathematical Induction
  4. Permutation and Combination
  5. Binomial Theorem
  6. Determinants and Their Properties
  7. Matrix Algebra
  8. Complex Number
  9. Trigonometry
  10. Trigonometrical ratios of compound angle up to conditional Trigonometrical Identities
  11. Properties of Triangle
  12. Logarithm
  13. Solution of Triangles & General Value
  14. Inverse Circular Function
  15. Coordinate Geometry
  16. Two dimensional: Up to equation of circles
  17. Three dimensional: Up to straight line

Syllabus of Chemistry: Syllabus of Bihar Polytechnic Entrance

The syllabus of Chemistry for the Bihar Polytechnic Entrance Exam is mentioned below

  1. Solid-state
  2. Solutions
  3. Electrochemistry
  4. Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
  5. Structure of Atom
  6. Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
  7. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
  8. States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
  9. Thermodynamics
  10. Equilibrium
  11. Redox Reactions
  12. Hydrogen
  13. General Introduction of P-Block Element
  14. Organic Chemistry
  15. Hydrocarbons
  16. Environmental Chemistry
  17. Chemical Kinetics
  18. Surface Chemistry
  19. P-Block Elements
  20. D-and F-Block Elements
  21. Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
  22. Organic compounds containing Nitrogen
  23. Biomolecules
  24. Polymers
  25. Chemistry in Everyday life

Books for Bihar Polytechnic Entrance

Bihar Polytechnic Entrance Guide Book

Follow these books for preparation for Bihar Polytechnic Entrance Exam 2021. These Books are based on the Syllabus of Bihar Polytechnic and published by Arihant Publications India Pvt. Ltd.

Bihar Polytechnic Entrance Guide Book

  • Bihar Polytechnic Guide Book
  • Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
  • Question Bank and Model Solved Papers
  • Last 5 year solved Papers
  • Total Pages: 551
  • Language: English & Hindi
  • Publisher: Arihant Publication

This Book is based on the Syllabus of Bihar Polytechnic 2021. You can use it for preparation for Bihar Polytechnic Exam 2021

Bihar Polytechnic Solved Papers

Bihar Polytechnic Solved Papers

Buy on Amazon

  • Solved Papers BCECE Bihar Polytechnic
  • Total Pages: 330
  • Language: Hindi & English
  • Publisher: Arihant Publications India Pvt. Ltd.

Exam NameDiploma Certificate Entrance Competitive Examination 2021
BoardBihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board
Official NotificationDownload Now

We have provided the Bihar Polytechnic Entrance Syllabus for Polytechnic Engineering and Part-time Engineering. I hope this will help you in your preparation.

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Manish Mahato
Manish Mahato

Blogger, YouTube & Content Writer by Passion & Engineer by Profession. I have built this Blog Website in 2020 while I was doing Diploma in Engineering to help other students with their Academic Problems.

Articles: 188


  1. thank you Polytechnic Walle for Bihar Polytechnic Entrance Syllabus. It will help my brother to focus on chapter which are given in Syllabus

  2. I will share this Bihar Polytechnic Entrance Syllabus with all my friends who are preparing for Bihar Polytechnic Entrance Examination also known as Diploma Certificate Entrance Competitive Examination (DCECE) is conducted by BCECE.

    • Bro i think that there is no syllabus for polytechnic exam after 10th you have to study only 10th syllabus to clear entrance exam because i notice that syllabus that i got from book or internet is based on syllabus so focus on 10 syllabus and previous year questions to clear this easy polytechnic exam.Best of luck🤞

  3. Sir
    क्या हम बिहार पॉलिटेक्निक का एग्जाम 10th लेवल पर दे सकते हैं ।
    क्या बिहार पॉलिटेक्निक 10th लेवल का एग्जाम हिंदी और इंग्लिश दोनों में होता है।
    सर प्लीज आप मुझे बिहार पॉलिटेक्निक 10th लेवल एग्जाम का पूरा सिलेबस बताइए ।

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